Panic Away


Eliminate Anxiety and Panic Attacks For Good

If you suffer from…

  • Palpitations

  • A pounding heart, or an accelerated heart rate

  • Sweating

  • Trembling or shaking

  • Shortness of breath

  • A choking sensation

  • Chest pain or discomfort

  • Nausea or stomach cramps

  • De-realization (a feeling of unreality)

  • Fear of losing control or going crazy

  • Fear of dying Numbness or a tingling sensation

  • Chills or hot flashes
(Source: American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) 2000 Washington, DC.)

…then you’ve experienced firsthand some of the possible symptoms of a panic or anxiety attack. If you are reading this page because a loved one suffers from these symptoms and you are trying to understand or help, it’s hard to appreciate what they go through.
Just try to imagine what it feels like to experience one, if you can.

Here is a typical example:

Standing in a supermarket queue, it’s been a long wait but only one customer to go before you make it to the cashier. Wait, what was that sensation? An unpleasant feeling forms in your throat, your chest feels tighter, now a sudden shortness of breath, and what do you know—your heart skips a beat. “Please, God, not here.”
A quick scan of the territory—is it threatening? Four unfriendly faces queue behind, one person in front. Pins and needles seem to prick you through your left arm, you feel slightly dizzy, and then the explosion of fear as you dread the worst. You are about to have a panic attack.
There is no doubt in your mind now that this is going to be a big one. Okay, focus: Remember what you have been taught, and it is time now to apply the coping techniques. Begin the deep breathing exercise your doctor recommended. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

Think relaxing thoughts, and again, while breathing in, think “Relax,” and then breathe out. But it doesn’t seem to be having any positive effect; in fact, just concentrating on breathing is making you feel self-conscious and more uptight.

Okay, coping technique 2:

Gradual muscle relaxation. Tense both shoulders, hold for 10 seconds, then release. Try it again. No; still no difference. The anxiety is getting worse and the very fact that you are out of coping techniques worsens your panic. If only you were surrounded by your family, or a close friend were beside you so you could feel more confident in dealing with this situation.

Now, the adrenaline is really pumping through your system, your body is tingling with uncomfortable sensations, and now the dreaded feeling of losing complete control engulfs your emotions. No one around you has any idea of the sheer terror you are experiencing. For them, it’s just a regular day and another frustratingly slow queue in the supermarket.

You are out of options. Time for Plan C.

The most basic coping skill of all is “fleeing.” Excuse yourself from the queue; you are slightly embarrassed as it is now that it is your turn to pay. The cashier is looking bewildered as you leave your shopping behind and stroll towards the door. There is no time for excuses—you need to be alone. You leave the supermarket and get into your car to ride it out alone. Could this be the big one? The one you fear will push you over the edge mentally and physically. Ten minutes later the panic subsides.

It’s 10:30 a.m. How are you going to make it through the rest of the day?

If you suffer from panic or anxiety attacks, the above scenario probably sounds very familiar. It may have even induced feelings of anxiety and panic just reading it. The particular situations that trigger your panic and anxiety may differ; maybe the bodily sensations are a little different. Or maybe it happened to you for the first time on a plane, in the dentist chair, or even at home, while doing nothing in particular.

If you have ever had what has become known as a “panic attack,” take comfort in the fact that you are by no means alone.

A panic attack always comes with the acute sense of impending doom. You feel you are either about to lose your mind or one of your vital bodily functions is about to cease functioning and you will end your days right there among the canned goods and frozen food.

You are by no means alone; you’re not even one in a million. In America, it is estimated that almost 5% of the population suffer from some form of anxiety disorder. For some, it may be the infrequent panic attacks that only crop up in particular situations-like when having to speak in front of others, while, for other people, it can be so frequent and recurring that it inhibits them from leaving their home. Frequent panic attacks often develop into what medical physicians refer to as an “anxiety disorder.”

One of the first steps to regaining control of your life is getting helpful information. This site will give you that, and more.

The beginning of your recovery starts here. What you will learn is that there is a very good chance you are about to end the cycle of panic attacks in your life. You will learn not only to regain the carefree life you remember once having, but will also gain new confidence in living. Your answer to living free from “panic” or “anxiety attacks” is at hand.

This site demonstrates that the panic and anxiety that you have experienced will be the very key to your courage and success.

Begin the road to recovery by browsing through the site. While many of you may have read almost everything you can possibly read relating to panic and anxiety I assure you this site offers something very effective.

Did you know…?

The key difference between someone who is cured of panic attacks and those who are not is really very simple. The people who are cured no longer fear panic attacks. I’ll try to show you how to be one of these people as well.

What if I told you the trick to ending panic and anxiety attacks is to want to have one. That sounds strange, even contradictory, but let me explain.

The trick to panic attacks is wanting to have one-the wanting pushes it away. Can you have a panic attack in this very second? No!

You know the saying that “what you resist, persists.” Well that saying applies perfectly to fear. If you resist a situation out of fear, the fear around that issue will persist. How do you stop resisting–you move directly into it, into the path of the anxiety, and by doing so it cannot persist.

In essence what this means is that if you daily voluntarily seek to have a panic attack, you cannot have one. Try in this very moment to have a panic attack and I will guarantee you cannot. You may not realize it but you have always decided to panic. You make the choice by saying this is beyond my control.

Another way to appreciate this is to imagine having a panic attack as like standing on a cliff’s edge. The anxiety seemingly pushes you closer to falling over the edge.

To be rid of the fear you must metaphorically jump. You must jump off the cliff edge and into the anxiety and fear and all the things that you fear most.

How do you jump? You jump by wanting to have a panic attack. You go about your day asking for anxiety and panic attacks to appear.

Your real safety is the fact that a panic attack will never harm you. That is medical fact. You are safe, the sensations are wild but no harm will come to you. Your heart is racing but no harm will come to you. The jump becomes nothing more than a two foot drop! Perfectly safe.

Here is a small sample of how the course has helped others:

I must tell you that out of all the items you can purchase regarding anxiety related products on the internet, I learned more from reading your program than I did from all the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25 years that I’ve had this condition.

I had been on Xanax and Klonopin for about 10 years, but this December, I decided to withdraw from it thinking I didn’t need the pills anymore according to some of the programs I ordered claiming “miracle cures”. That’s when all my symptoms started again. I felt as if I had wasted the past 20 years trying to get better.That’s when I started searching the web for home based “cures”. I ordered so many programs I started to get confused from too much conflicting advice. Also, I was promised support but I am still waiting replies from some of the more expensive programs!

You are a true gentleman!

I prayed to God to show me what to do

I experienced my first panic attack in July of this year and ended up going to the hospital by ambulance thinking I was having a stroke or heart attack! I have had a bunch of attacks since then. Monday morning I awoke to an immediate attack and prayed to God to show me what to do. To make a long story short, I was led to your website but was afraid it was like the other ones where they try to sell you their products. However, your introductory information really spoke to me and I decided to take a chance. I read your book and it gave me the tools I was searching for to deal with my attacks.
I could tell immediately that you have suffered from panic attacks yourself because you spoke with authority that can only have come from having dealt with the terrors yourself. I am 42 years of age and have been noticing the psychological effects of perimenopause (one of which is panic attacks in my case). Thanks again!!
Sincerely, Cynthia

Visit Panic Away Here!
Barry Joe McDonagh is an international panic disorder coach. His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here:
This article is copy written material

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog de Carlat, NY Times: difficult to Tough cover story

Let’s face it, primary care doctors don’t know much about treating psychiatric disorders. If they were lucky, they had one, brief clinical rotation through psychiatry during medical school, and even if they did, they didn’t learn much, and they’ve long since forgotten it. Yet with the acute shortage of psychiatrists in this country, primary care doctors are treating many, many cases of depression, anxiety, and other serious psychiatric ailments. So where do they turn for help? Among other sources, to reference books written by the pros–working psychiatrists.
The chairman of the psychiatry department at Emory University would seem like a reliable source. Especially if he were a widely recognized researcher who had been honored with a long string of research grants.
Two fascinating stories in the past week suggest he isn’t a reliable source. The man’s name is Charles B. Nemeroff (above), a name that will be familiar to anyone who follows psychiatry news. The New York Times has a rich archive of stories on Nemeroff. In September, 2003, Gardner Harris reported that Nemeroff had published an article praising three products to which he had financial ties–and that he did not disclose those ties. Nemeroff said “he would have disclosed his financial interests had the journal asked him to.” Don’t ask, don’t tell.
In October, 2008, Harris reported that Nemeroff had “earned more than $2.8 million in consulting arrangements with drug makers between 2000 and 2007, failed to report at least $1.2 million of this income to his university, and violated U.S. research rules.” The paper described him as “one of the nation’s most influential psychiatrists.”
This week, Duff Wilson of the Times reports that Nemeroff–who moved to the University of Miami in 2009–and a colleague (Alan Schatzberg, former chairman of psychiatry at Stanford) wrote a book of the kind I mentioned above–a psychiatry text teaching primary care doctors how to treat mental illness. The book, published in 1999, was paid for by an “unrestricted education grant” from what was then called SmithKline Beecham, now part of GlaxoSmithKline.
So: Is this Glaxo propoganda, or an unbiased expert guide?
From Wilson’s story:
The grant paid for a writing company to develop the outline and text for the two named authors, the documents show, and then the writing company said it planned to show three drafts directly to the pharmaceutical company for comments and “sign-off” and page proofs for “final approval.”
The Times reprints the letter with the evidence. Nice touch. The authors told the Times that SmithKline “had no sign-off in content.” The letter says it did. Oh, and one last thing: The book was published by The American Psychiatric Association! The chief executive of its publishing arm said he “found no evidence of influence by the writing company or GlaxoSmithKline.” He also said he had been unaware of the letter.
The Times deserves praised for following the Nemeroff story closely. But what the Times did not do was to search the contents of the book to see whether it did, in fact, favor GlaxoSmithKline products. That would seem to complete the case against Nemeroff and Schatzberg.
That’s not something Wilson could have done. His recourse would be to persuade an independent psychiatrist to review it and comment on that point, and he did not do that.
And thus we come to the second praiseworthy story this week. Dr. Daniel Carlat, a practicing psychiatrist in Newburyport, Mass., and a crusader against conflicts of interest in medicine, took that job on himself. And he reports his conclusions on his Carlat Psychiatry Blog, in a post entitled, “Nemeroff and Schatzberg’s “Textbook” Pushed Paxil.” (Paxil is made by GlaxoSmithKline.)
Carlat isn’t shy:
So I finally got the book, ripped open the manila envelope from an Amazon reseller, and found out exactly what a $120,000 “unrestricted educational grant” will buy: an advertisement for Paxil. Not obvious, not blatant. But artfully crafted, subtle, smooth—more in the style of Nemeroff than Schatzberg…the final result is such a finely crafted piece of promotion that any reputable “author” should be embarrassed and ashamed.
I’ll leave it to you to follow the link and read Carlat’s detailed analysis of the book, but here’s the punch line: “…an analysis of the book’s content shows that it was crafted to encourage primary care doctors to prescribe Paxil preferentially over its competitors, such as Zoloft.”
That’s a nice payoff for a measly $120,000 educational grant. For all we know, that book could have sparked millions of dollars in sales or Paxil, or tens or hundreds of millions. Nemeroff and Schatzberg should have held out for more.
This is a tough story, with important legal ramifications–and dangers for those who write about it. Wilson and the other Times writers have the paper to back them up in any lawsuit. Carlat has only his own resources, whatever they might be.
Both the Times and Carlat deserve our praise, and our thanks for bringing honor to our craft.

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